Rotary Club of Devon Photo Gallery

Installation of Incoming President & Board 2024
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Don Anderson III President / Sue Lambiase President-Elect / Tony Andriolas VP

Rotary Day of Service 2024
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Our service day was to maintain and repair our Rotary Pavilion at Walnut beach. President, Don Anderson III rallied the club members on Wednesday, June 26th. We pulled nails and staples from the wooden beams and posts and installed screw eyes for future attachments on the posts and the ceiling of the pavilion. We also installed posts for banner placement at the entrance to Walnut beach.

Norman Parsells 2024 Award Recipient Jason Jenkins
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Norman Parsells, a dedicated Rotarian who served his community and nation well. Normans’ accomplishments are direct demonstrations of Rotary’s ideal of “service above self”. The Rotarians who have received this award have been recognized as one who personifies the spirit and dedication to their community as Norman Parsells represented throughout his lifetime. Congratulations to all the Rotarians!

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Milford Annual Oktoberfest!

Community Speakers & Recipients
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Community speakers & recipients

2023 Rotary Day of Service
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Day of Service 2023

Rotarian Installation 2023-2024
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Installation images 2023-24

Children's Trout Derby 2023
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Devon Rotary is a Proud Sponsor of this Annual Event!

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Devon Rotary Club’s - DAY OF SERVICE was to host a beach cleanup at Walnut Beach in Milford. Rotarians & community volunteers came together to clean up trash, bottles, and cigarettes. Such an amazing day to restore our beach to its former glory! Service Above Self

Troop #1 Boyscouts Eagle Project- Lisman Landing Garden ~Milford
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Ryan Medvegy's Eagle Project, was to landscape the area surrounding the Milford Welcome Sign, provided by The Rotary Club of Devon at Lisman's Landing. Our club recently donated this sign to support the community and welcome visiting boaters.

"DRAFFLE" Restaurant Raffle
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DRaffle (the “DR” stands for Devon Rotary) is the Rotary Club of Devon’s latest effort to raise funds to benefit local nonprofits and other worthy causes in the Milford community. It is what the Club is calling “an outrageous raffle” in which the top prize is $100 gift certificates to 40 of the area’s finest restaurants! That is a $4,000 PRIZE!

Childrens Trout Derby 2022
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2022 Children's Trout Derby at Milford Duck Pond. The Devon Rotary is a major Sponsor and our fundraising throughout the year, enables us to donate the Fish for this event!

Rotarian Installation
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An assortment of good times from our meetings, installations & events!